Hosted By Risen Life Church: 2780 E. 3900 S. Holladay, Utah
Meet the Class of 2023 AMPD Bands!
Students in our Famous “AMPD” Rock Band Program meet weekly throughout the school year in groups that are formed by the On Track & Groove Dr’s staff. On Track teaching staff work with students in rehearsals all year to help prepare them for the various concerts events that we produce. The AMPD bands are the highlight of our Friday Night and Saturday Night Rock Shows right here at Student Fest. They are also the main attraction at our Winter Expo and Summer Jam concert events.
L to R: Marlo Harmer, Reya Handman, Gretchen Harris, Luke Sims, Will Sparrer, Josh Jacobson.Top L to R: Jack Lieberman, Emma Edwards, Vallyn Ball, Josh Morton. Bottom L to R: Zack Romney, Marcus ReedL to R: Milica Letic, Colin Chandramouli, Rowan Jackson, Hannah Jacobson, Jameson Thackeray. L to R: Chelsea Deakins, Ben Kelsey, Cameron Bartholomew, Tyler Smith, JoAnne BrownL to R: Julian Garcia, Mallory Just, Logan Curtis, Conrad Carter, Nathan CueL to R: Trace Welter, Roman Turner, Mya Turner, Wyatt Zorn, Mads Rasmussen.Clockwise from bottom left: Jackson Twede, Cole Christensen, Zack Prebula, Wyatt Thornton, Kayden Theurnagle, Alex Pyne, Katie Badger.
Standing L to R: Duayne Bowers, Ron Hunter, Bill Bradford, Katie Locke. Kneeling: Shaun McClure.
Back to Front: Sam Romney, Robert Bennion, Eddie Kelsey, Bennett Peterson, Zoe Loveridge, Fred Perry, Brayden Davis.
L to R: Sam Daniels, Holden Bailey, Joey Hill, Jexi Gordon, Aimee Green
L to R: Duayne Bowers, Abbi Mancini, Allison Gerrard, Michael Anderson, Jack Stevenson