Office Information

Contact Information

School Phone Number: 801.272.7917

School Office Email:

This is the best way to reach the office. Emails are checked promptly when the office manager starts the workday, often before teachers begin their shifts.

New Address: 6374 S. 900 E.

We have moved from our former Highland Drive location to:

6374 South 900 East,
Murray. UT 84121

School Office Hours

Office Manager Availability:

Monday – Friday, 12:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Scott Graves’ Availability:

Scott teaches weekday afternoons and evenings, and schedules studio sessions and other business in the mornings. Please contact the school office to schedule appointments with him.

Chelsea Deakins

Office Manager

Important Notes

Teacher Hours:

We have teachers available from 9 AM to 8:30 PM, depending on the day of the week.  Please call the school office for an updated list of availability.

Office Business:

All school-related business, including scheduling, payments, and student withdrawals, should be handled through the school office.

School Calendar

 Click on the Banner Below To View or Print the School Calendar.